If you haven’t done so already, please watch the company overview and
compensation videos below.
Compensation Breakdown (6 min)
All diagrams in this video are purely conceptual illustrations to explain the growth potential here at FFL. Nothing is guaranteed or promised; as your success is a direct correlation to your work ethic, efficiency, time spent on work-activity knowledge, and amount invested (and reinvested) into building your business. Paid commission rates vary on agent commission level and carrier chosen. Advance up the Aggressive FFL Promotional Guidelines with personal and/or team monthly “Issue Paid” production.
Highest compensation in the industry. Starting at 90%, and the ability to earn up to 145%. PLUS, Bonuses on top of that!
Best Training in the industry from active top producers teaching what is making them so successful. We will help you become the smartest agent in the field.
Direct Mail Mortgage, Internet, Final Expense, Medicare, and Annuity leads
: No costs for Training. No cost for your back office. No cost for training events or the Annual Convention. Plus- Free license training for new agents.
Fully Vested Renewals From Day One
80% (or better) Comp starting Day 1, with potential growth to 145%- PLUS bonuses. One policy pays you for the next 10 years. The average policy is $1,000 AP. Low-cost leads. Free training. No monthly fees. No contracts… what more can you ask for?! FFL is the best Insurance opportunity available.
YES, OF COURSE! You can run your business however you deem necessary to succeed.
While most agents like to go into their client’s home- many others have built prosperous businesses based off remote work.
Calling remotely allows you reach out to 5 time zones (including Hawaii) all at once!
It’s okay, everyone was new at one point.
Every state has different costs and study requirement hours. We have a Checklist to help you take and pass your test in 2 weeks or less!
We’ve created a streamlined process for new-agent training including a new-agent “Bootcamp” to learn the tricks of the trade AFTER you pass the test and get licensed.
After you after approved from one of our recruiting managers; you can start at FFLvictorylap.com/study
We will pay up to $210 for Prerequisite Licensing courses AFTER your schedule your state exam date. (FREE to you, company pays for it) It will be your financial responsibility to pay for the actual State Exam, Fingerprints (background check), State License, and E&O Insurance. (Approx. $150-370; varies by state)
*REMEMBER: These costs go directly to the state; not us. These are all common fees that every agent has paid to attain their license.(Check your state’s requirements here)
It is all based on you as an individual. MOST candidates finish within 1-2 weeks (to receive the comp raise)… other agents take the full 30 days!Make sure to take the practice study test a few times a day before your test date. The questions are very similar to the test.
*REMEMBER: If it takes you more than 30 days to get through the study material, they will charge $39 for another 30-day extension. Study with the intention to pass!
After you pass your test, we still have to apply for your license and get contracted through your state (which takes about 1-3 weeks after passing the test).
Unlike other agencies, you have your entire upline at your disposal. It is normal to have a direct upline with limited experience. Feel free to reach out to your support team anytime you need assistance!
·Steven Yee, Board Member President. (626) 824-3253
·Pablo Perez, Vice President (714) 396-2070
· Arthur Forrest II, Senior Sales Manager. (909) 263-6254
OUTSIDE of your direct uplines- you can establish a relationship with anyone here in FFL! We all learn from each other! YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. DON'T BE AFRAID TO REACH OUT AND ASK QUESTIONS!
By Direct Deposit; Paid Daily. FFL is 100% commission-based. Buy leads and go to work. Approved policies usually pay out within 2 business days of the policy’s first draft date.
Other carriers pays out even faster- they pay off approval which means you will have a direct deposit a couple of business days after submitting the approved business.
Your insurance carriers pay you out in 9-months advances. For this hypothetical scenario, agent Bob has a 100% comp. If Bob writes a policy for a client who pays $100 a month, that will equate to $1200 in annual premium ($100/month x 12 months= $1200).
At 100% comp, agent Bob will be advanced 75% of the $1200 annual commission ($900). The remaining $300 of the annual-premium will be paid out in three equal portions in months 10, 11, and 12, respectively. The 75% ($900) advance is paid out as a good faith loan that the policy is here to stay (so they are willing to pay you nine months of commission upfront).
If the policyholder cancels their policy before month 10, the promissory loan is rescinded. Instead of taking $900 out of your bank account, it is held as an IOU. You pay off the balance using future commissions, so you don’t come out of pocket. It Is industry standard for about 20% of your policies to fall off the books.
It is our goal to have every agent paid within the first 10 days after BootCamp is completed. You should write your first piece of business within the first week; it takes a couple of days for your first policy to process through the system to validate your national and state producer numbers.
Leads go from $4.00 to $18.00 in our CRM (Customer Relation Manager).
3rd Party leads usually cost $20+ each... regardless of the quality. Have a 1-on-1 conversation with one of our upper managers to see how we can set up a self-generated lead campaign.
It’s at the agent’s discretion to invest in what is financially feasible for them. We only deal with people that are interested and looking for life insurance, instead of bugging all friends, family, and social media for business. No need to ask your aunties and uncles for business.
RULE #1 of leads: Always reinvest a portion of your commissions for next week’s batch of leads!!!
You Must Have the Finances to Pay For Your State Exam, Fingerprinting, and State License. (Approx. $150-350), After you receive your state Insurance License:Reach out to your hiring manager to see what kind of programs you can enroll in such as the sponsorship program.
Not all businesses are for everyone... and that is okay! We can help you sell a few policies so you can fund your business properly if you want to truly make a change.
The sky is the limit on personal production. However, the ultimate goal should be to walk away from your business and create passive income. You cannot get paid in your sleep- without a team.
The short answer is no, but it is to your benefit. We have a saying that goes like this, “I sell to pay the bills… and hire to retire”
Opening up passive income is a whole different ball game. But you have to love to help others; building an agency is not for everyone.
Nothing worth it is easy. However, this business is very simple.
There are 4 things you must master in order to create the lifestyle you desire:
1) Investing/Reinvesting in Leads.
2) Setting appointments/ objection handling.
3) Presentation/closing.
4) Become emotionless during work hours.
A full-time agent will make 300+ calls in one day to have 3-5 presentations and set appointments for the following day.
You get paid the direct correlation to your work ethic and grit in this business.
30 appointments a week should be a foundational standard when striving for full-time effort.
Only the strong survive. But there is a reasons why we create hundreds of multiple 6-7 figure income earners, year after year.
© 2024, Family First Life. All rights reserved.